How to Get Your Sex Toys Through Airport Security

No one wants to go through the embarrassment of having to explain sex toys to airport security. However, this shouldn’t limit you from traveling with your pleasure toy. Just follow a few rules to help you get around with your toy.

Studies show that over fifty percent of adults are more likely to get intimate during a vacation than at home. Traveling with your partner has various benefits, including a boost in sex drive.

But, what if you are the type to enjoy self-pleasure? Below there are various ways to travel with your sex toy.

Turn It Off

Don’t forget to turn off your electric sex toys. Airport security will undoubtedly pay attention to you if your vibrator accidentally starts buzzing. Take out the batteries from any toys that are powered by batteries. If your vibrator is rechargeable, you might want to use up all the charge before packing it.

Pack Wisely

Place your toys in your carry-on if you want easy access. Make sure they’re clean and stored in a discreet pouch or case.

Use the right Packaging

 It will help if you use a clear plastic bag to store your vibrator. As a result, if TSA screeners open your bag, they can see what’s inside without touching it. This way, TSA officials do not need to handle your sex toy physically.

Know the Rules

Most sex toys are allowed, but it’s good to check the TSA guidelines for any restrictions on specific materials or battery types.

Be Prepared for Inspection

If your bag gets flagged, be ready for a security officer to inspect the items. You can explain calmly that they’re personal items.

Keep It Simple

Avoid overly complex or large items that might draw attention.

Consider the Destination

Some places have stricter laws regarding adult toys, so be mindful of local regulations.

Stay Calm

If questioned, just explain that they’re personal items. Most security personnel are professional and have seen it all.

Obey the Three Ounce Rule

As long as you adhere to the TSA’s liquid limitations, it shouldn’t be a problem if you intend to carry some lubricant or toy cleaner along with your vibrator. Limit it to only 3 ounces (0.11 kg).

Keep the information above in mind, and you should have no issues traveling with your “bestie toy”.

Citas Online, que esperar y con que tener cuidado

Las citas en línea o citas por Internet son un método que últimamente ha estado en pleno apogeo, debido más que nada a las redes sociales, pero especialmente después de la desolada pandemia; siendo este el método más común para interactuar con el género opuesto o bien, con el del mismo, (eso ya cada quien sus sexuales preferencias).

Esto con la esperanza de encontrar a la posible otra mitad, ya sea mediante establecer relaciones personales de amistad, románticas a largo plazo o bien para solo encamarse y darle gusto al cuerpo aunque sea por un rato.

Actualmente, existen servicios de citas en línea de chile, mole y pozole, es decir, con mayor diversidad, para todos los géneros y para todos los propósitos, desde los más puros y románticos, esos de encontrar el amor verdadero o hasta para satisfacer las más cochinas necesidades sexuales.

Pero para tener éxito y no fracasar en tan frenética aventura, o en el peor de los casos, evitar ser secuestrado en el intento y terminar siendo noticia en el noticiero de las diez, hay que tener mucho cuidado, ya que hay muchas cosas que hacer y que no hacer.

Lo que hay que hacer en las citas por Internet para una experiencia feliz, pero sobre todo restringirte de experiencias dolorosas.

  • Encontrarse en un lugar público

Es tu principal responsabilidad asegurarte de que la persona con la que vas a empezar la cita online sea real, que exista pues, y no sea algún maleante que te contactó en línea desde alguna prisión tercermundista con el fin de sacarte tus órganos para proveer al mercado negro, o peor, dinero. (ya sé, cada quien, sus prioridades).

    Aparentemente, la persona puede parecer de confianza en la pantalla de tu computadora, tablet o móvil, pero en realidad, no tienes ni idea de su identidad.

    Por lo tanto, es ideal que antes de decidirte a bajarte los calzones ante cualquiera, lo normal es primero conocerla(o) en público, interactuar, determinar las reglas y luego de ahí, proceder.

    • Informa a alguien, siempre

    Sea este un amigo o un familiar haciéndole saber a dónde te diriges cuando vas a tu cita. Esto es importante tanto para hombres como para mujeres.

    Esto con el fin de evitar que surjan imprevistos que puedan ponerte en dificultades.

    Se trata de tu seguridad. Ya se sabe que a veces por andar a escondidillas (sí, les hablo sobre todo a los infieles) se nos hace fácil decir a nadie donde andamos, pero siempre al menos avísale a algún amigo de confianza y así podrá localizarte inmediatamente en caso de emergencia. El horno, este país y el mundo no están para bollos en cuestiones de seguridad. Tampoco querrás terminar en la nota roja del periódico local la mañana siguiente. No es por asustarte, pero es tu responsabilidad mantenerte a salvo todo el tiempo.

    • Utiliza siempre tu propio coche

    No estés a merced de un desconocido, ni aunque tenga un Mercedes último modelo, no permitas que esa persona te recoja para la cita.

      Utilizar mejor tu propio coche no es hacerte depender a la fuerza de un desconocido.

      • Lleva dinero contigo:

      Aunque seas mujer, es posible que tengas que pagar algo o dar tu parte a tu amigo con el que has quedado para una cita.

        Además, no sabes con certeza con qué tipo de situación te puedes encontrar, así que asegúrate de tener algo de dinero en efectivo o al menos una tarjeta de crédito a la mano.

        • Presta atención a tu higiene

        Se sabe que las mujeres suelen ser muy conscientes de mantener su higiene, no así algunos masculinos, no todos, pues. Los hombres que están en su primera cita deben cuidar su higiene asegurándose de que no tienen olor corporal, la ropa sucia o de menos tener los pelos cepillados y en su lugar, eso, entre otros etcéteras.

          • Sé educado aunque tu cita no cumpla tus expectativas.

          Un comportamiento educado siempre atrae a la cita, sean hombres o mujeres y jamás esta de ms. Eso refleja el tipo de especimen que eres.

            Puede que tengas una cita, pero que no sea aceptable para ti como esperabas y no desees continuar.

            Aun así, ser educado es importante. Si has de rechazar a alguien, hazlo de manera amable si te pide por teléfono o una segunda cita y no deseas volverlo a ver.

            • Agradece a tu cita los buenos momentos

            A pesar de las malas experiencias que puedas vivir durante tu primera cita, no olvides agradecerle los buenos momentos que puedan suceder. Cada cita es toda una experiencia para atesorar si te va bien o para aprender si te va mal.

              Mira el lado positivo. Quién sabe, si te gustó y tu le gustaste, puede que te pida una segunda cita!

              Lo que no se debe hacer en las citas por Internet

              Esto puede ayudarte a disfrutar mejor de tu experiencia de citas, y puede ayudarte a causar una gran primera impresión.

              • No conozcas a la persona inmediatamente.

              Chatea en línea durante días o semanas o el tiempo necesario antes de conocerla.

              Al primer contacto en realidad no eres consciente del tipo de personalidad de la persona con la que deseas proceder, sobre todo si el fin es tener relaciones románticas íntimas.

              Muchas veces, la información dada por la persona puede no ser cierta y puede no coincidir con tu personalidad.

              Es necesario averiguar sus intenciones a través de una interacción regular durante el chat en línea o llamadas, y tratar de coincidir cuando se reúnan en persona.

              Evita tirarte sin paracaidas a las fantasías antes de conocer a fondo a la persona con la que pretendes quedar para avanzar, sobre todo en relaciones íntimas. Sé realista todo el tiempo para evitar decepciones.

              • No aceptes ir a su casa en la primera cita.

              Esto es para las chicas.

              No aceptes dormir en su casa. No importa si el fin es el sexo, es por seguridad, pero menos si es una relación a largo plazo; no querras convertirte en solo una aventura de una noche si no es eso lo que estas buscando.

              Y es que no conoces a la persona con la que estás saliendo, e ir a su casa acarrea problemas. No conoces a la familia de la persona con la que sales.

              En la mayoría de los casos, no tienes ni idea de si tu cita es de fiar.

              Ir a su casa no sólo aumenta las posibilidades de peligro, sino también de que te ocurra algo físicamente que no quieras. (Una violación por ejemplo.)

              Aunque ambas partes se diviertan en la primera cita, ten paciencia y evita avanzar en las relaciones físicas.

              Ahora, que si el fin es solo tener sexo, es mejor ir a un motel u hotel, un lugar donde puedas pedir ayuda en caso de que las cosas se pongan feas.

              • Nunca envíes fotos de desnudos antes del encuentro.

              Muchas personas reflejan su perversión mediante el envío de fotos de desnudos y a veces solo lo que buscan es masturbarse con algunas imágenes, (tus imágenes), lo que refleja su mentalidad barata y poco saludable.

                Si quieres tener intimidad y quieres avanzar físicamente con tu cita, debes evitar enviar desnudos para mantener la prueba de tu propósito; quien está realmente interesado lo entenderá y se esperará a verte en persona, quien no, que se vaya por allá, lejos, déjalo ir.

                Una vez más, no los conoces personalmente.

                Al no enviar ningun desnudo, te estás protegiendo de que tus fotos se hagan virales en las redes sociales, lo que puede repercutir negativamente en tu trabajo, y especialmente para las mujeres, es simplemente peligroso.

                Si realmente lo vas a hacer a pesar de las advertencias, al menos aseguráte que no se te vea el rostro o que el lugar donde esta tomada la foto no sea fácilmente identificable.

                • Nunca lleves amigos o familiares a una cita

                Una cita es un tiempo personal y compartido entre dos individuos que quieren avanzar en una relación, incluyendo el deseo de avanzar en las relaciones físicas.

                  Puede haber excepciones. En ese caso, si alguien quiere estar pendiente de ti, ya sea algún amigo o familiar que se quiera asegurar que estás bien, éste debe mantenerse a distancia de ambos. No querras que te funen de “raro”.

                  • No llegues tarde

                  Debes asegurarte de no llegar tarde a la cita.

                    Si no eres puntual, es increíblemente molesto hacer esperar a tu potencial pareja.

                    Si llegas tarde, estas demostrando que no valoras tu tiempo y el tiempo de los demás. Para que te quieren entonces?

                    Tu potencial pareja puede pensar que no vas en serio.

                    Puedes perder la oportunidad de conocer a esa persona especial en persona después de quiza meses de largas conversaciones.

                    Que tal si es el amor de tu vida y tu ahí llegando tarde. Mejor no lo hagas. Ayúdale tantito a tu destino.

                    • No te vistas inapropiadamente

                    Lleva un atuendo que sea decente y apropiado que sea acorde al lugar de la cita y sobre todo que atraiga la mirada del otro o la otra.

                    No lleves un atuendo o no vayas con una higiene inadecuada, con mal olor corporal, ropa desaliñada y cabello inadecuado.

                    Del mismo modo, debes evitar atuendos que expongan demasiado tu cuerpo, sobre todo si eres mujer. No importa si es una cita meramente sexual, puede ser un poco sexy pero no encuerado, de todos modos si encuerado(a) vas a aterminar por lo menos que haya algo que quitar poco a poco… con elegancia pues. Yo digo.

                    • No bombardees a tu cita con mensajes después de la cita.

                    Después de la primera cita si tienes éxito, no envíes demasiados mensajes con frecuencia, ya que podrían reflejar tu debilidad y mostrar un interés unilateral.

                      Procede gradualmente manteniendo tu personalidad, pues eso te dará la ventaja de atraer a tu pareja hacia ti.

                      Como decía la abuela: Hay que darse a desear y no verse muy needy.

                      Y bueno, de lo contrario, si no hubo éxito en la encomienda y no te contesta o no recibes mensajes de vuelta es que te batearon, pero creeme, siendo un poco perspicaz, lo sabrás cuando sea así.

                      Las conclusiones para pensar

                      Las citas online son como las entrevistas para pedir ‘chamba‘, cada miembro tiene montones de candidatos y tienes que elegir entre ellos a uno que se ajuste a tus criterios.

                      Lo mejor es seguir los consejos anteriores entre otros que se te ocurran o que alguien más te sugiera.

                      Lo mejor es ser siempre uno mismo y mantener el perfil bajo, sin demasiadas expectativas.

                      El propósito también es divertirse en lo que llega el indicado(a) siguiendo las reglas de seguridad pero de vez en cuando perderle el miedo a las aventuras. El que no arriesga, no gana.

                      Ethical Porn

                      Yes, there is such a thing as ethical porn.

                      As a sexual human being, chances are you’ve taken a peek at some adult content at least once (or, uh, a few times) in your life.

                      Whether for inspiration, learning techniques, or simply to get off, when the urge to put on an NSFW video strikes, it’s a natural instinct to hit up Google for whatever porn genre you’re into.

                      Often, your search will lead you to a bounty of free porn sites. Ethical porn might be the answer if you’ve been dissatisfied with most mainstream porn you’ve come across.

                      Free sites are so normalized and simple to access online, and because of that, it’s easy to forget to question where [the] content comes from.

                      But something that should be nice, enjoyable, and a healthy part of a sexual routine has been taken and turned into one of the most problematic industries in the world.

                      The world is very crazy these days, and pornography is one of the niches for many misdeeds; such as using victims of trafficking, pedophilia, sexual exploitation, sex without consent; and so many other aberrations that we do not know may exist behind those videos. That’s why we must be aware of what we consume on the screen.
                      Another note to mention is that at this time, there are a lot of issues with mainstream porn. It tends to be totally centered on what’s hot for men, can often depict women in a degrading or dehumanizing way, and isn’t always made or shared in a way that’s fair or respectful to the performers.

                      So, if you’ve been dissatisfied with most mainstream porn, you’ve come across, ethical porn might be the option.

                      What makes ethical porn different…

                      Ethical porn is about being creatively inclusive and showcasing consensual natural pleasure for all to enjoy. Everyone who participates in the making of one of these porn videos is driven by pleasure, both: in front of and behind the camera, receiving fair compensation for their contribution while feeling valued for their skills.

                      Ethical porn is more like the kind of sex we share with those we love and care about. When you choose to watch ethical porn, it also goes beyond those behind the scenes, you, the consumer, make a conscious decision to believe in the people who make it. But you don’t find this kind of porn for free so easily; besides supporting the work of the people who make it, they say it allows you to enjoy it without guilt.

                      So, if you want to enjoy ethical porn, you should be aware of how it is produced and by whom. It is important to remember and find out who makes that porn to know if they can really say that their production is ethical, most of the sites display this information without any problem.

                      Components of ethical porn

                      1. Performers and filmmakers get paid fairly

                      It recognizes performers as workers who must be fairly compensated, like any other type of employee in the world. This is why you generally have to pay for these platforms, so It’s usually not for free.

                      2. It’s made in a safe environment that treats performers with respect

                      Performers aren’t pressured into doing things they don’t want to do or put in unsafe or compromising situations, ever.

                      3. It shows real sexual pleasure.

                      Accentuating what pleasure looks like, particularly pleasure for people with vaginas. A lot fewer fake orgasms and immediate arousal, and a lot more giggling and skin-to-skin closeness. Real sex can be messy, romantic, and passionate.

                      4. It’s created for all kinds of viewers

                      Ethical porn, on the other hand, often showcases what sex looks like from various perspectives. And understands that people with vaginas not only watch porn but enjoy it.

                      5. It shows diversity across body size, race, sexuality, age, and ability.

                      Ethical porn platforms aim to feature people from all walks of life. The more inclusive, the better.

                      6. Everything is created and shared consensually.

                      Everyone involved is old enough to consent to sex, and given the opportunity to state what sexual activities they do or don’t feel comfortable doing at any time.

                      In an effort to change the way our society perceives sex; ethical porn provides the opportunity to bask in sex-positive experiences without feeling guilty about our search history.
                      Companies that are inclusive, treat their performers with respect and encourage a sex-positive message. All it takes is a little digging and diligence.

                      Some sites to watch ethical porn:

                      Orgasmos Femeninos, que no te vuelvan a fingir uno

                      Si hay algo que aun en estos tiempos no debiera estar pasando, es el restarle importancia al orgasmo femenino.

                      Algunos hombres aún tristemente solo se concentran en su sola satisfacción durante el sexo y hasta ahí; es cuestión de cultura que pasa de una generación de hombres a otra, antes era mera ignorancia y misoginia, hoy es solo misoginia, porque con tantas herramientas por doquier ya no hay pretexto de que no se eduquen para mantener a su pareja feliz.

                      Mujeres, no les ayudamos a los hombres fingiendo los orgasmos, no es bueno para él, menos bueno para ti, es malo para el país, y ni se diga para el mundo; luego ahí está la misoginia pululante de los que creen que se las saben de todas en la cama y pues NO.

                      Los malos amantes existen, si señor, y lo peor es que andan por el mundo repartiendo malcogidas.

                      Aclaro que eso no tiene nada que ver que seas moralmente un ‘buen o mal hombre’, pero como dice la biblia: el que no sabe coger, que aprenda.

                      Lo primero y MÁS importante que todos nos tenemos que meter en la cabeza, es que a diferencia de los hombres que son muy mecánicos (y es que solo basta tocarlos oigan), las mujeres somos muy mentales. Los MEJORES orgasmos empiezan en la mente desde la cena, las flores, las atenciones, los detalles, las miradas, palabras, caricias, etc.

                      Hay que saber cómo es allá abajo

                      Pasemos a la teoría:
                      Está el clítoris, la uretra (por donde hacemos pipí) y la vagina (por ahí se meten cosas, penes, tampones, dedos, dildos y Dios sabe que más…)

                      Algunos piensan que hay mujeres más vaginales y otras más clitóricas.
                      TODAS somos clitóricas.
                      El clítoris por dentro es grande, rodea la vagina y su ÚNICA ‘chamba’ es el orgasmo.
                      Únicamente el 18% de las mujeres pueden terminar con penetración, pero TODAS terminamos de forma clitórica.

                      Ojo, claro que nos gusta la penetración, se siente rico y todo, pero es menos sensible por dentro y poco probable que se llegue al orgasmo con ella, si quieres que tu compañera termine con pirotecnia y todo, el clítoris externo será tu mejor amigo.

                      TIP: ya sabes la anatomía, pero cada pareja es diferente, lee su cuerpo.

                      El famoso PUNTO G y el SQUIRTING  no son mito.

                      El Squirt, es una expulsión de líquido desde la URETRA (algunos dicen que no es pipi, sino algo más similar a las lágrimas o al suero sanguíneo; aunque parece ser una mezcla de varios fluidos) su expulsión puede ser antes, durante o después del orgasmo y NO significa que sea MEJOR.

                      Con la excitación y la estimulación del punto G se inflaman las glándulas parauretrales que secretan el famoso squirt.

                      NO estimular la uretra, sino el clítoris y el punto G.

                      HOMBRES yo sé que veneran su pene, pero aquí vamos a usar los dedos o juguetes.

                      Para tocar el punto G mete uno o dos dedos y dóblalos haciendo un movimiento con las manos de “ven a mí”, con el índice y el dedo medio; sentirás una superficie rugosa como la textura de un hueso de durazno. OJO: No es sacar y meter, es acariciar.

                      NO OLVIDES el clítoris.

                      TIPS, tips

                      • Ponerle una almohada en la espalda baja ayuda intensificar la sensación
                      • El ritmo es muy importante
                      • Los juguetes diseñados para alcanzar el punto G son excelentes para utilizarlos en pareja. Y son los MEJORES regalos que puedes dar a una mujer.

                      Y bueno, por último: Comunicación.
                      Siempre hay que preguntar si estás tocando el lugar correcto. Si la estás lastimando y no te estás pasando de bruto, etc. No hay ninguna vergüenza en preguntar, porque bueno, la idea es que la mujer también se la pase bien.

                      Attending a Swinger Party? Here’s what you should know

                      Swinger Party /What you should know . Photo by Ibolya Toldi from Pexels

                      Many couples or singles have liked to enter this type of lifestyle. There are many reasons, maybe because you want to add “fresh activity” to your relationship, or perhaps if you are single and don’t want attachment of any kind this is a good practice, far from prejudices that there may be, I think it is a good practice to try at least once in your life, of course maintaining your emotional and physical integrity at all times.

                      What you need to know before attending a Swinger Event

                      Each lifestyle club will have its own set of rules but almost all follow the basic etiquette which I will lay out here.


                      It is important you care about how you are dressed. Hygiene is a must and nice clothes are important. There are situations where the male half has not shaved and he smells funny. This goes for both females and males. You need to attend these events knowing that you might possibly be intimate with someone so be prepared. Shave, wash your hair, brush your teeth and wear nice clothes, also depends on the place.

                      There are places that ask to be semi-naked since you enter, so finally, the top clothes don’t matter too much, however, use always really nice sexy underwear.

                      Have you ever heard people say “The woman decides”

                      In the swinger lifestyle, it is customary that the ladies begin a conversation with each other. When the ladies are comfortable then the possibility of “play” has more of a chance of happening and happening successfully.

                      Club Rules

                      Most clubs will have similar rules such as no cell phones, no photos, do not touch anyone, and do not invite yourself into a “play situation”. I

                      If play is partaking in a playroom and the door is open, it means they want to be watched but do not get so close you are breathing on them, and most important: no chatting.

                      Is there food or drinks?

                      Almost all clubs are BYOB and will provide mixers. Some will have snacks and some will even cater dinner.

                      Watch your alcohol Intake

                      No one wants to be intimate with a drunk. It is important to pace yourself and drink lots of water. You don’t want to create a bad reputation for yourself.
                      Be careful with what you drink, It is important that you check the veracity of the club and who has invited you. The first time -and more if you are a woman- your safety is important; if it’s possible do not go alone and stay alert by checking your drink at all times.


                      You and your partner must be on the same page and agree for a “play” situation to occur. Also, discuss with each other any rules you have after the play session. You need to discuss what you enjoyed and did not. You don’t want to be involved in any drama so remember to leave arguments at home.

                      Exchanging personal information

                      Ok, this is different depending on the club. There are places where they ask you to use a fake name and never give your phone number to a couple you met at the club. However, in some high-end exclusive clubs, you can use your common sense there, and everyone wants to protect their privacy after all, so if you run into someone you want to see again, exchange information under caution. If you forget to do this and then contact the club owner, they will most likely pass your information on to the other couple. But the healthiest thing is to never give out personal information.

                      Hopefully, this will help you have a better understanding of what to expect; and what rules to follow when you do choose to embark on your first swinger party.

                      If you want to know more about swinger lifestyle, I suggest this publication by Victoria.

                      Teach her to give you the best blowjob of your life

                      Getting a blowjob from the woman you love is like dream for most men. So you can teach her to give you the best oral sex of your life.

                      Your partner may have the best of intentions when it comes to oral sex, but there might be something she’s just missing.

                      Maybe her technique isn’t so great, maybe she’s timid, or maybe she doesn’t use enough variety. It may be intimidating for her to learn new blowjob techniques at first, but once she gets the hang of what stimulates you, she will feel like a sexual goddess knowing that she can make you come all by herself.

                      Oral sex on a male includes licking and sucking of the penis, balls, and anus. Fellatio is the term for the oral stimulation of the penis while analingus is the term for oral sex on the anus.
                      While blowjobs are considered rather exciting, “eating ass” and prostate stimulation are more of niche activity. Some men love it, while others could take it or leave it.

                      Keep in mind that every man is different. So just because what she is doing doesn’t take you to the roof DOESN’T MEAN SHE IS NOT GOOD or enthusiastic about giving your blowjob.
                      It could just mean she’s used to something different. The key is to get her to enjoy the act too and not just make it feel like a chore.

                      Starting preparations

                      The key to enjoyment for most men is whether she’s into it or not. Let’s face it, there’s a reason it’s called a blow “job”; it does entail some work and it can hurt her jaw if she goes at it long enough.

                      Even if she does enjoy performing oral sex, it can’t hurt to bump up her enthusiasm. How do you do that? Easy. When she’s down there savoring your man parts, tell her how hot she is and how turned you are. Act as her own personal cheerleader. The more excited you are, the more excited she will be to keep going.

                      Grunting, but out of sheer pleasure

                      This is not the time for her to keep quiet. Those gurgling, slurpy, sounds are undoubtedly hot.

                      Tell her how sexy she sounds moaning and groaning her enjoyment. And don’t forget to moan along with her so she feels more comfortable letting loose.

                      Keep looking

                      Eye contact is critical during oral sex. It makes all the difference between a so-so oral sex session and an amazing one. Eye contact says, “I’m confident!” “I’m so turned on!” “I’m so aroused and ready!” So tell her to look at you. Or lift her chin up and tell her you to love it when she looks at you.

                      Just bobbing up and down is about as interesting as eating the same chicken soup for dinner every night. It’s flat-out boring. She can move her lips. She can try deep throating. Or circling her tongue. Licking the shaft. This is not about just hopping from a move to move like an erratic robot.

                      Teach variety

                      However, she should be ready to pull out everything in her bag of blow job tricks. There are literally a million and one ways to mix up a blow job so encourage her to try new things.


                      She may be all ready for the main event, but that doesn’t mean she has to go right to it with no warm-up or foreplay.

                      After all, if you just wanted to focus on the act itself you could jerk off or watch porn on your own. You have a delicious willing partner, so the two of you can engage in extended play.

                      Let her scratch your thighs and lick them slowly. She can even start playing with you while you’re still in your boxers. Finesse and teasing go along way when it comes to a good session in the sack.

                      Before you begin, talk about what turns you on. Just going over some of the basics can get her ready for a great sex night.

                      Using hands makes a big difference

                      Just sucking you off with her mouth might not be enough to make you cum.

                      When you jerk off yourself, you’re using your hands obviously; you’re not actually blowing yourself.

                      So, what will work best is a combination of her mouth and hands. A simple “touch my shaft” or “jerk me off while your mouth is on me”, is one way to tell her to use her hands. Two hands can be even better.

                      Hands can go up and down, they can rotate, they can change speeds, increase or decrease in pressure, or stack on top of one and another. Of course, her hands don’t need to just stay on your penis.

                      While her mouth is on your penis, her roving hands can go on your stomach, your balls, your thighs, your butt, or your chest.

                      She can even use her hands to touch herself at the same time giving you a show as well. Talk about a win-win situation!

                      Lube or spittlebug

                      You know what sucks, (no pun intended)? A blow job or hand job with not enough spit or lube.
                      A mouth on a wet cock is reminiscent of a moist vagina, so it’s important to make sure everything is well lubricated.

                      You don’t need lube here necessarily, just a lot of good old fashioned spit.

                      She might be loath to spit all over your penis, but for many men spitting on their member can be a major turn-on.

                      So when you start drying out, or she begins to reach for the lube, ask her to just spit on your dick.

                      If she really wants to use lube, there are many available on the market that you both might enjoy.

                      Different Varieties of lube

                      Flavored lube: With this, she can swirl over your penis like icing. That way you can have fun watching her swirl it around your member. The only drawback is that it can become too sticky. The key is to not let it get anywhere else. Nothing worse than sticky sheets.

                      Water-based lube: These lubes are easy to clean but they dry easy so you’re going to need a lot of it to keep going.

                      Silicone lubricant: The wetness of silicone will last longer,  but ingesting too much of it might make your partner sick.

                      Warming lubricants: These lubes warm up when you place them on your body. You might want to try a test patch with these first, as some people find these lubes a little too intense.

                      How to use the naughty tongue

                      Now that all the semantics are out of the way, let’s get down to the real nitty-gritty; how to actually teach your woman the best blowjob techniques that’ll drive you crazy:

                      Step 1: Opening the mouth

                      Opening her mouth in an “O” shape she can slowly take your penis into her mouth, licking the frenulum and playing with moving the head around her lips and licking the shaft.

                      Her tongue doesn’t just have to lick you in an up and down motion. She can move her tongue in circular motions, massaging your penis with it, and flicking her tongue as well.

                      Pushing your penis against your stomach she can lick the underside as well.

                      From here she can lick the corona, play with the frenulum, all the while playing with and touching your shaft. Next, she can start to mimic thrusting by taking your dick in and out of her mouth.

                      Step 2: Using Her Hands

                      Keeping one hand at the base of your shaft, she can start bobbing up and down on your penis as the other hand goes up and down or makes twisting motions.

                      Taking it a step further, she can use one hand to massage the perineum or stimulate the prostate (more on that later) as she’s going down on you.

                      Step 3: The Balls

                      The often neglected balls need some attention too. She can give them love by sucking on them (known as “tea bagging”), swirling them around in her mouth, or playing with the skin in between.

                      She can also play with them as she’s blowing you as well.

                      Step 4: Putting it All Together

                      So she has the basics down; lube, tongue, toys, balls, hands. All she has to do now is put that together in a way that’s pleasing to you and poof! Orgasm.

                      Some additions

                      The important thing to remember is when she gets in a steady rhythm that is working, it’s up to you to let her know that she’s on the right track and she should keep going.

                      Even if she executed everything perfectly, you wouldn’t want her to behave like a robot the whole time.

                      Sex with a partner you love dearly is a combination of physical desire and emotional connection.

                      To enhance this, it’s best to savor each other going slowly, and taking the time to really play and explore with each other is what will make this an amazing sexual experience.

                      Now that she’s great at oral sex don’t forget to reciprocate when the time comes.

                      es_MXEspañol de México