Full professional relaxing massage raised up to a pleasant erotic-tantric massage that can lead you to a unique experience.
Guadalajara, México
What is a tantric massage?
An erotic tantric massage is a healing, nourishing, intimate, relaxing and decontracting massage, during which your whole body receives pleasure and if you immerse yourself in it, you can experience states of erotic trance. The massage is performed with you totally naked for a better experience.
You will be invited to take a deep breath, to remain present, aware but relaxed, to expand your sexual energy up and through your body, rather than just within your genitals. This results in amazing orgasms, but the most important thing is to unite your sexual center and your heart. You leave the session feeling very centered and relaxed, probably inspired, possibly even transformed. We are all always transforming ourselves, and this can be one of those experiences. One that opens you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your sexual energy.
A tantric massage gently introduces you to the main keys of Tantra: breath and presence, conscious connection during arousal, and how to use imagination and intention to expand sexual energy around the body and create a hallucinatory, ego-disintegrating experience, we are talking about orgasms at a cellular level.
It is possible to access states of trance, experiences of joy, and union with something greater than oneself by remaining present, breathing deeply, and paying close attention to the experience. Sex becomes a spiritual experience.
At the end of the session, you can choose to ejaculate, or not, just maybe you want to practice containing your sexual energy. Whatever you decide is fine.
If you allow yourself, if you let yourself, if you think you deserve it, it can be a memorable and powerful experience.
Erotic-Tantric massage benefits
As well as offering a safe space to know the power of your sexuality without pressure or judgment, tantric massage has other powerful benefits:
- Improves your sexual stamina
- Improves the quality of your orgasms
- Helps to ease pain
- Provides stress relief
- Improves your sleep
- Is a good step towards healing emotional blockages
- Assists you in spiritual awakening